Mindfulness: an ultraviolet moment
We can’t “see” ultraviolet light, because our eyes don’t have the receptors needed to detect it. Small birds see it (they have a fourth light receptor dedicated to just that). Bees also see ultraviolet light to find flowers that are rich in nectar. We don’t see it, but it’s all around us and we wouldn’t be alive without it. An ultraviolet moment happens when we suddenly become aware of what was invisible, but all around us and always there for us. Not seeing it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
I imagine ultraviolet as a deep, intense, bursting violet-blue light. And sometimes, I can sense ultraviolet peeking out, as I can sometimes become aware of all the colours of snow. Remember a walk on a snowy day, when shades bring out colours you didn’t know were there? You stopped. And right there in front of you, you saw that snow wasn’t just white; it was gold, light blue and intense purple. Right there for you to stop, look and suddenly become aware. Ultraviolet moments happen from sudden awareness: the sudden fleeting perception of something absolutely beautiful, deep, intense, striking, bursting out of the ordinary. It’s always there for you to see, but you don’t perceive it unless you stop and really allow yourself to see.
Wishing you many beautiful, ultraviolet moments today, to suddenly “see” what is. It’s always there. All you need is to stop, and look. It’s there.
Photo courtesy of Albert Bedward © 2018.
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