Professional coach training courses: coaching with a resilient approach
Build your professional expertise and skillset with a resilience approach. Resilience is now more than ever an essential skillset to enhance your coaching practice. Learn what resilience is (tip: it’s not about pushing forward and enduring) and how to use it for best results. The following courses provide essential knowledge, strategies, tips, assessments and tools to build your coaching business and practice.
The following courses provide CEC’s towards ICF and CCE coaching accreditation
Coaching for Personal Resilience (20 CEC’s) – live virtual course, 10 weeks, Tuesdays 3:30-5:30pm ET. Spring session April 19-Jun 28, 2022. Registration opens Jan 2022. A ground-breaking, important practical course to introduce professionals and coaches working in mental health, health care, human resources, change management and learning institutions. Learn to coach with a practical, effective approach to resilience-building. Build a strong resilience skillet, and coach individuals to grow vision, skills and resources to best face life’s challenges and thrive. To register or for more information, click here:
Resilience 101 (6 CEC’s) – live virtual course, 3 weeks, Tuesdays 3:30-5:30pm ET. Next session scheduled for late spring 2022. Learn simple tips, tools and strategies to build your own resilience capacity with easy steps. Make the most of your busy life and show up motivated, energized and ready to move forward. To register or for more information, click here:
Organizational Resilience & Resilient Leadership Coach Training (20 CEC’s) – live virtual course, 10 weeks, Thursdays 3:30-5:30pm ET. Next session scheduled Jan 13-Mar 17, 2022. Registration now open. A coach training course building on personal resilience concepts, with a cohesive, practical approach to building individual and collective resilience in the work culture. Learn what defines resilient leadership and how to design effective, engaging virtual group sessions. Prerequisites: 40 hours of coach training plus completing one of the following courses: Resilience 101 OR Coaching for Personal Resilience. To register or for more information, click here:
Coaching for Family Resilience (10 CEC’s) – live virtual course, 5 weeks, Tuesdays 3:30-5:30pm. Feb 15-Mar 8, 2022. Registration now open. This coach training course will deepen and broaden knowledge and strategies introduced in Resilience 101, to help your clients grow and build healthy, resilient family dynamics. For more information or to register, click here:
Coming Up Fall 2022 – Resilience: Recovering from Extreme Stress & Burnout (12 CEC’s) – live virtual course, 6 weeks, Tuesdays 3:30-5:30pm ET. The pandemic brought more than we could deal with, and then some more. How can you help your clients recover and rebuild, develop new skills and better capacity? For more information or to register, contact us at
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