The Secret to Thriving, One Day At A Time

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then. Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland Good morning! I'm here today to crack open the box of beliefs that keeps us in coping mode - and...

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Too busy? Maybe it’s busyness

Being busy isn’t so much a problem as it is part of life. Being busy can't disappear, because there is always more to be done: more emails, more meetings, more laundry or dishes, more bills. It never ends. ...

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Take care: you’re worth it

Do you ever consider as you make decisions about yourself, how many life energy systems are running in the background, keeping you alive, healthy, functional and so much more?  Your brain, bones, digestion, skin, muscles... Your immune system... Your...

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Building resilience during the Coronavirus Pandemic

This post is about exploring what more you can do, in addition to what CDC and governments are recommending: washing your hands, social distancing and staying home. These are essential, and they’ll work.  But can you do something more to...

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Is living faster the only way?

If you measure your life by the number of items checked off your to-do list, this is for you. Do you wake up ready to do what it takes to cross off as much as you can before bedtime?...

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Your scripts build your days (& your life)

You woke up this morning with a private script about how your day would unfold. Today's script may be inspiring or defeating. It all depends on how tired or stressed or happy you are. If you are...

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Self-Leadership: your choices shape your life

This is the first in a series of six posts about the choices you make about your life, and how these take you to a specific future - are your choices leading you to the life you want?   Choices,...

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Believing in yourself takes care

Do you believe in yourself?  Most people would say a wholehearted yes, yet what they do doesn't add up.  If you wake up craving for more sleep, too late for work to have a real breakfast, too busy to...

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This energy makes you happy

Welcome to the energy series!  This is the fourth of six posts that describes how you can refuel energy so you don't have to rely so heavily on stress to take you through your days.  Why? Because relying on...

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Fuelling your life: you’re in charge

Welcome to the energy series!  This is the third of six posts that describes how you can refuel energy so you don't have to rely so heavily on stress to take you through your days.  Why? Because relying on...

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