Adult Fairy Tales

We adults thrive on Fairy Tales that destroy our quality of life.  Fairy Tales such as being ‘perfect’; making ‘perfect decisions’; doing everything on our agenda (and fitting 20 hours of work into 7.5) and working at our 100% best.  These...

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Priorities: trading unending to-do’s for a better life

Are you running after time, feeling there are more things to do than hours in a day?  Do you feel there should be more hours in the days, more days in a week and more energy to do it...

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Leadership starts with leading your life

Leadership starts with you – “Do as I say, don’t do as I do”, is a sure way to fail as a parent.  Whether it’s to try on your shoes, your makeup, or to copy your speech, your kids...

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Enough sleep to get more out of life

Living on too little sleep is like looking at life through dirty glasses:  it makes it difficult and draining.  I did it for years: as a single mom, the only time for myself I had available was when everyone...

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