Living a good enough life is precious

Ever seen a “perfect” product on a shelf?  Been on a “perfect” vacation?  Had a “perfect” job, every day?  Do you live in a “perfect” relationship?  Perfection doesn’t happen often, and when it does, it’s a fleeting moment, and...

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The 24/7 Myth

The 24/7 myth.  Do you really have to be connected to work, FaceBook and your BlackBerry or i-phone, 24/7?  Do you really have to be ON every day, evenings, weekends and even holidays?  Can you take a break from...

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Life is short – life is beautiful

Today is a beautiful day, almost spring, with bright warm sun spilling over melting snow, fluffy clouds, and warm air that smells like spring.  It’s a beautiful day to live.  And for a friend taken to the hospital this...

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