Leadership starts with leading your life

Leadership starts with you – “Do as I say, don’t do as I do”, is a sure way to fail as a parent.  Whether it’s to try on your shoes, your makeup, or to copy your speech, your kids...

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Enough sleep to get more out of life

Living on too little sleep is like looking at life through dirty glasses:  it makes it difficult and draining.  I did it for years: as a single mom, the only time for myself I had available was when everyone...

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There is no “getting there” in life. every day IS “there”.

There is no “getting there” in life, unless today is part of “there”.  There is just one day that you and I have power over, right now, and it’s today.  Of course, I could think that some day, some time, I’ll...

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Spring clean your life

I used to think that ‘uncluttering’ time and space was such a meaningless, fashionable term.   But then every single day, I meet people who live life in a daze, frazzled by too many conficting demands on their time and...

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Energy 101 – There is more to life than being exhausted

I just had to write this post today – living life exhausted is no fun.  I meet so many people on a daily basis who tell me that, as a matter of fact, they are absolutely and utterly exhausted...

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The 24/7 Myth

The 24/7 myth.  Do you really have to be connected to work, FaceBook and your BlackBerry or i-phone, 24/7?  Do you really have to be ON every day, evenings, weekends and even holidays?  Can you take a break from...

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Life is beautiful in its imperfection

Life is so beautiful in its imperfection. But perfectionism can poison your life and make you feel you’ll never be or do good enough. It’s time to stop.Everywhere I look, I see the quest for perfection. We want every day...

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