Today is an important day

Today is an important day.   Today is complete and self-contained, yet it’s also an essential small step toward the future. Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about this: each day is totally self-contained: independent of any other day, complete on...

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Burnout prevention 101

Burnout story – Dayna is a caring, dedicated manager and single mom with three children, one of them with learning disabilities.  She puts in long hours at work, and cares for her aging parents as well.  She gets home...

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Empowerment is about creating time and space for what matters

I’m taking time to enjoy what IS this summer – you know, that feeling of contentment you get when everything is ‘just so’?  I have been slowing down, creating time and space for me; de-cluttering demands from everything: work,...

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De-cluttering life for what matters

Shouldn’t I know this?  I am a grown woman (at least that’s what people say when you are my age).  I am a Life Coach, and I have coached many, many people in the past 20 years.  And then, I...

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A 10-minute solution: action generates motivation

The 10-minute solution –   Doing something today is always better than postponing, hoping to find a perfect moment which may be tomorrow – or never.  I have learned that what works in life is using time, no matter how...

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A summer to slow down: happy, satisfied and well

Am I happy?  Am I satisfied? And, most important, am I WELL?  It’s summertime, and it’s such a different, slow summer, as I am for once taking real time off.  I finally allowed myself to slow down, and I...

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Your life is made of a whole bunch of ‘todays’: don’t settle for less

Your life is made up of a whole bunch of ‘todays’ and TODAY is the first one of them – When you catch yourself saying “there is nothing I can do about it” or “it’s not under my control”, are...

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Priorities: trading unending to-do’s for a better life

Are you running after time, feeling there are more things to do than hours in a day?  Do you feel there should be more hours in the days, more days in a week and more energy to do it...

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You deserve as good a life as your dog

You love your dog. You feed your dog healthy food, so Fido lives a long, fun, healthy life, with plenty of energy – and so he remains disease-free.  Fido has access to a clean bowl of water. He has...

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Second-hand stress adds to your stress load

Second-hand stress is the kind of stress that doesn’t belong to your life, but that you get from being ‘contaminated’ by a stressful person, event or situation.  Turn on the TV, and there it is, as you watch the news...

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