The missing link to obesity, anxiety and depression

I am not surprised at the results found in a new study on Canada Federal Government Executives, which shows a sharp rise in obesity, anxiety and depression (1).  The number of executives battling depression has nearly doubled in the past...

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A summer to slow down: happy, satisfied and well

Am I happy?  Am I satisfied? And, most important, am I WELL?  It’s summertime, and it’s such a different, slow summer, as I am for once taking real time off.  I finally allowed myself to slow down, and I...

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Priorities: trading unending to-do’s for a better life

Are you running after time, feeling there are more things to do than hours in a day?  Do you feel there should be more hours in the days, more days in a week and more energy to do it...

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De-stressing your day in 3 minutes

There is so much on your plate, it’s not even funny.  So how could three minutes of your time be enough to de-stress?  Most likely, it would just take time away from doing something more urgent. Stepping back from urgent...

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Second-hand stress adds to your stress load

Second-hand stress is the kind of stress that doesn’t belong to your life, but that you get from being ‘contaminated’ by a stressful person, event or situation.  Turn on the TV, and there it is, as you watch the news...

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Enough sleep to get more out of life

Living on too little sleep is like looking at life through dirty glasses:  it makes it difficult and draining.  I did it for years: as a single mom, the only time for myself I had available was when everyone...

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