A Quiet, Fulfilling, Undemanding Christmas
A Quiet, Fulfilling Christmas
This morning, take a moment with me to slow down, sit and have a cup of tea, as we ponder how on earth did we ever buy in (pun intended) to the insanity of Christmas preparations, decorations, gifts, food, baking, parties and whatever else makes us feel both stressed and inadequate. More and more, it just feels like a race to do outdo last year: better gifts; more shopping; more food; more entertaining; better decorations; more people. Is this fun for you, or has it become more like an additional load on your already full life? Let’s look at the costs and rewards on you, and explore a few options that you can apply right away.
If you’re a woman, and especially if you’re a mom, Christmas is probably more overwhelming than enjoyable: you do the mom-Santa thing, even if you also work full-time, but what you really need are a few precious days off to rest and enjoy life before the New Year starts. So, how can you make this happen?
First, take a breath, and be aware that Christmas will be more than okay with hot chocolate & marshmallows for everyone, store-bought iced cookies, candlelight and colouring books, instead of the traditional dinner. It will work out, because it’s festive and fun. When was the last time that you sat with your family, with colouring books and hot chocolate? It will be special, fun, and you won’t be exhausted and worried about maxed out credit cards.
I’ve had conversations with my family every Christmas, about how we can make it fun and festive for everyone – including me. This year, we’re doing little plates of hors d’oeuvre with everyone bringing a favorite, wine for the grownups, sparkling juice for the not so-grownups; we’ll go for a walk and admire the neighbours’ decorations, share fun stories and our highlights of the year, and enjoy a relaxed evening in candlelight.
Here are the four questions I ask myself, so I don’t get pulled into the frenzy of a commercial Christmas, believing that buying gifts is the same as love, intimacy, or real time together. You get to decide how to make this Christmas a moment you can remember as special, restful, meaningful and fun.
- What would your easy dream Christmas look like, if you didn’t have to cook or bake, and if everyone contributed, so you could all enjoy time together?
- What would your easy dream Christmas look like, if you didn’t have to shop for perfect, expensive gifts? What would be something simple and special everyone would enjoy instead? (PS your kids, relatives and friends won’t be deprived if they don’t get the latest electronic toy)
- What would your easy dream Christmas look like, if you didn’t have to go all out entertaining, and simply made it a moment to slow down, enjoy a family day, laugh and be together?
- And if you did this, how would you feel right now? And by Christmas, how would you feel?
Wishing you a wonderful, quiet, undemanding yet fulfilling Christmas and New Year 2019.
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