Keeping motivated: a recipe for success

This is the second in a series of six posts about self-leadership: how your small choices impact your life and take you to a specific future - are your choices taking you to the kind of life you want?...

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Self-Leadership: your choices shape your life

This is the first in a series of six posts about the choices you make about your life, and how these take you to a specific future - are your choices leading you to the life you want?   Choices,...

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Are you a stress addict?

Are you addicted to stress?  If you constantly need to move fast, eat quickly, go faster, do more, stay on top of things, do more with less, and all those things we tell ourselves would make us more...

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Believing in yourself takes care

Do you believe in yourself?  Most people would say a wholehearted yes, yet what they do doesn't add up.  If you wake up craving for more sleep, too late for work to have a real breakfast, too busy to...

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The cost of perfection

Perfection costs you. You sit down, ready to finally take a break... and suddenly every item on your to-do list flashes in front of your eyes.  Time to relax? Gone. Guilt is right there, an unwelcome visitor, robbing you of...

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Get rid of four depleting myths

Welcome to the energy series!  This is the last of six posts about specific strategies to refuel energy so you don't have to rely so heavily on stress to take you through your days.  Why? Because relying on energy...

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