Guilty or Grateful?

Guilt is such a mixed up, overrated loss of life. I’m not referring here to the regret for doing something really wrong (causing harm to you or others), but to the inability to enjoy the present moment free and unencumbered. You feel guilty...

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We have so much…

Waking up to the world this morning, and thinking…  I have so much.  I live in one of the richest countries in the world.  I have a comfortable home and a car; amazing and loving kids; varied, purposeful, meaningful...

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How to win the lottery – every day

Every single day, I win the lottery.  But most of the time, I forget I’ve won.  So here are a few reminders to myself. I didn’t sleep outside last night; my bed is comfortable and plump, and my home is...

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Feeling bored? Enjoy: it’s today’s ultimate luxury

Feeling bored?  How may times in your busy life can you actually say you’re bored?  Not that many, I guess.  Or at least I hope your life is not boring you!  What I’m talking about are those fleeting moments...

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Feeling happy, now

It’s easy to feel that life owes us more, or that we need more in order to be fully, truly happy. But living happy has a lot more to do with feeling grateful about how much we already have...

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To feel more alive, don’t get too comfortable

Sometimes, I think I “deserve” to live a cushy, comfortable life - letting myself cruise along, every day narrowing down, until I watch life on TV, well cushioned by comfort and inertia. Hell, no. Comfort is so addictive - Why move when...

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Life is what you make it to be. Really

If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much. – Jim Rohn I love this quote, because it smacks you (and me)in the...

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Adult Fairy Tales

We adults thrive on Fairy Tales that destroy our quality of life.  Fairy Tales such as being ‘perfect’; making ‘perfect decisions’; doing everything on our agenda (and fitting 20 hours of work into 7.5) and working at our 100% best.  These...

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Today is an important day

Today is an important day.   Today is complete and self-contained, yet it’s also an essential small step toward the future. Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about this: each day is totally self-contained: independent of any other day, complete on...

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The missing link to obesity, anxiety and depression

I am not surprised at the results found in a new study on Canada Federal Government Executives, which shows a sharp rise in obesity, anxiety and depression (1).  The number of executives battling depression has nearly doubled in the past...

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