Improve your day in 15 minutes

My work requires me to be 100% present, to learn and memorize, to make fast decisions, to connect with people, to encourage and motivate, all day long, every day. It's emotionally demanding, and working virtually adds to the demand....

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The Secret to Thriving, One Day At A Time

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then. Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland Good morning! I'm here today to crack open the box of beliefs that keeps us in coping mode - and...

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Invest 1% of your day in you

A few years ago, I often felt like a zombie after a demanding workday. My fatigue got worse as the week progressed, and by weekend, I was little better than brain-dead. I didn't have much energy for anything. I...

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Too busy? Maybe it’s busyness

Being busy isn’t so much a problem as it is part of life. Being busy can't disappear, because there is always more to be done: more emails, more meetings, more laundry or dishes, more bills. It never ends. ...

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How’s Your Mental Diet Supporting Your Mental Health?

A big part of your mental health is determined by your mental diet. But what's a mental diet? Basically, it's what you put in your mind. It includes social media, conversations, news, reading, gossip and more. And...

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Surge Fatigue?

Are you familiar with the term "surge fatigue" as it refers to human energy? When you use stress and energy to adapt quickly to rapid change that affects every aspect of your life, it can quickly become overwhelming;...

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Serial-tasking, NOT multitasking, makes you more productive

Today, multitasking can mean two entirely different things: the first is the ability to work on multiple projects/ files without losing track of what you've done and where you're heading, and it's the definition often used in job descriptions....

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Debt costs you money & mental health

I'm happy to share this post, contributed by Glenda Barrington, Money Coach & Mortgage Agent:  Debt costs you so much more than money! It affects your health, your relationships, your work and your life. If you have debt,...

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Resilience: A Life Owner’s Maintenance Manual

Whether you buy a car or a blender, it comes with an owner's manual with instructions, cautions and troubleshooting.  Your car needs fuel and regular maintenance: gas, oil changes and brake checks keep you safe and on the road....

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Take care: you’re worth it

Do you ever consider as you make decisions about yourself, how many life energy systems are running in the background, keeping you alive, healthy, functional and so much more?  Your brain, bones, digestion, skin, muscles... Your immune system... Your...

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